This week, I had the opportunity to further reflect on my online presence through the Visitor and Resident Map activity. This activity was a lot harder than I expected and made me recognize how much of myself I display online. Here is the final copy of my map:

As many of my classmates have expressed on their blogs, a lot of thought had to be put into the positioning of each media. I used to believe that I kept pretty low-profile on the internet, but reflecting on my map, I recognize that there are a lot of different platforms I leave my footprint on. I use social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, and VSCO as a way to share personal photos and connect with others. I also use Tik Tok, however I have a private account and don’t interact much with other people’s posts, which is why I placed it closer to the visitor side. Although Facebook is also considered social media, I find that I use it mainly for being in groups for school and interacting with classmates. I am sure there are other websites and apps I use that I forgot to include, but I feel that my map adequately represents my online presence. 

As I feel I am still young in my career, I have not yet created the professional online presence I one day hope to have. Recently I have seen many teachers providing educational and humorous videos on the app Tik Tok. Although this app may not seem like the most professional platform, it allows for very valuable information to be shared easily. Once I am in a classroom, if Tik Tok sustains its popularity, I may consider creating my own professional account to collect and share ideas. Instagram is another platform I plan to create a professional account on one day to follow other educators and share my own ideas. I know Linkedin is a popular platform for professionals, which I also am looking to get once I have my degree. I have recently created a Pinterest account which I have found to be great for saving craft ideas and science experiments for my future students. I am sure if I looked further I could find more lesson plans and ideas, so I think this will be a valuable platform for my future. 

If I am being honest, I do not believe I have very much of a professional digital identity at the moment. I have always thought I was early in my degree and would have time in the future to start my network. However, I now recognize the benefit starting early could have on my career. In order to create a positive digital identity, I believe I need to create, interact, and share with fellow educators. Reaching out to people I see as mentors, commenting on posts I find useful and require further clarification on, and posting my ideas to see if anyone can help make them better will help me have a successful digital reputation. 

I have always been very mindful of the things I post online in case an employer may investigate my digital identity. I like to keep most things private and often do not engage with content unless I feel it is necessary. I believe that keeping my digital identity clean and minimal will ensure that searching me on Google will not hinder any possible employment opportunities. However, through this course, I have recognized that rather than having nothing to show from your digital identity, it could be beneficial to focus on a professional identity. I think taking the steps to create more professional accounts could be seen as very positive in the eyes of an employer. This is something I plan to work on in the future.