Hi Wei,

I liked how you related the idea that we can interact on multiple platforms with our Mattermost group. I know for my final project group, we are currently communicating via Mattermost, Snapchat, and Google Docs. Each social media platform has its own positives and negatives, and it is good to know which platform works best for what you are trying to accomplish. For example, if I wanted to share a lesson plan, I would not share this on Snapchat because it would delete after a certain amount of time. Instead, I would pick a platform like Instagram or Twitter, where I can then add hashtags to make it more visible. 

I completely agree with you about the spotlight being put on high-status people on social media. Cancel culture requires public figures to be held accountable for every post they have ever made online. Being popular online has many benefits, but it requires you to be extra cautious with your social media presence. I also agree with your point about keeping personal and professional media separate. However, even when you are off duty, you still represent your place of employment, so you should not be doing anything inappropriate online on personal or professional accounts. Great post this week!

Hi Hannah,

I really liked that you used the example of Covid in regards to media literacy. There are contradicting articles online about the virus including if it is even real, and more recently, about covid vaccines. This reminds me of what Julie Smith said in her interview about how people will believe what they want to rather than trying to find the truth (3:15-3:22). I also like that you mention cancel culture and how careful influencers have to be. Often these influencers are cancelled for past actions, such as tweeting an offensive comment when they are a teenager. This is why media literacy needs to be taught from an early age, and that children need to understand the weight of their actions. Your comments on negativity are spot on, as it is easy to say mean things behind a screen. This is why it is important to have a supportive PLN that will support you and help block out the hate. It is important to stay true to your beliefs and not let other people influence you. I agree that media literacy is an extremely valuable tool to have, and I agree with Julie Smith that it should be an everyday thing to learn about (6:15-6:29). 

Source: Smith, Julie. (2021). EDCI 338 – MEDIA LITERACY with JULIE SMITH. Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57r3-aEnci0