Hi Allie,

I really liked how you used the imagery of a wildfire in regards to spreading news on social media. This is very true, as information can be viewed and shared in an instance, making social media an extremely powerful resource. I agree with you that difficult topics can be talked about through social media. I believe one of the reasons is because sometimes it can be easier to type something out and revise it rather than speaking about something. As well, it is easier when you are not physically seeing how many people are responding to your thoughts, but rather, can hide behind a screen. I love that you address the idea of tackling why a topic is uncomfortable, as I believe this could help create a very impactful dialogue. Excellent work!

Hi Sail,

I completely agree with you about how social media can add distraction to learning. Personally, I found zoom classes extremely challenging because I felt the need to constantly be on my phone, and had no concern of being seen as rude or getting in trouble. The addiction of social media can definitely have negative impacts on learners. However I also agree with you that social media can be used as a great tool. You discuss your teacher sharing information through social media, which is also apparent in this class through Mattermost. I find that being in group chats with fellow students is an extremely valuable resource as you can work together and gain powerful connections. Your last point about finding information online is very true. We are so lucky to live in a time where all the information in the world is at our fingertips, but as discussed in previous weeks, it is important to remember that not everything online is true and to only believe trusted sources. Great post this week!